Esta foi a e-mail que me enviaram para justificarem o porquê de não ter sido aceite para o GABBA...
Isto quando eu pedi que me explicassem os critérios de avaliação/selecção para no futuro poder concorrer com maior porbabilidade de ser aceite no programa...
Alguem me explica??
"Ora Tomem Lá"
"Dear Ricardo Gandara,
Thank you very much for your interest in following up the criteria that presided at the decision to constitute the group of 12 candidates that will be the GABBA 2004 class.
In this Program, the final selection is made with basis on the potential contribution of the grad students themselves in the development of the Course. The research staff involved hopes always that the interests of the students will become clear-cut and apparent during the interview. The depth with which each selected candidate approaches those interests will be a guarantee of the depth with which the Course itself will develop.
Curiously, this year a number of graduate students manifested in depth interests and knowledge in emerging areas in Biology, namely, Physics, Mathematics, Structural Biology, Population Genetics, experimental gene therapy, Medicine and a completely new aspect of the immunology of Infection.
It is evident that in choosing 12 out of 168 candidates, at least one other equally good group of 12, covering other areas cold have been constituted. Unfortunately, neither the funding, nor the postgraduate teaching conditions enable us to have more than 12 students in each class.
We regret that you were not included this year and leave you with all the best wishes for continuation of a research life dedicated to the Life Sciences. It is evident that your current work in fish Biology is of interest. We hope that the result will not deter you from continuing. Please feel free to keep in touch with the Program staff. We have created a site ( that will enable you to follow which course, seminars, etc are open to wider audiences.
With the best regards,
Maria de Sousa
On behalf of the Co-ordinating Committee
GABBA Program, 2004"
Viver à Portuguesa
7 years ago
Talvez este mail tenha uma mensagem subliminar que tem que ser descodificada. Já experimentaste ler ao contrário?
Fish biology? Viraste BMP?
Pois pelos vistos eles fizeram de mim "Fish biologist" o que aqui em baixo significa BMP... n sei, ou eles n entenderam bem o meu curriculo ou então a minha explicação....
"Vá se lá saber..."
Pois...devias mas era ter dito que te interessavas pela terapia Genética, Cancro, SIDA, Alzheimer, Parkinson, etecetera...parece que são as áreas da moda na Ciência...enfim...
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