Monday, September 25, 2006

E Passagem de Ano?

Parece Prematuro mas não é...

Aceitam-se sugestões.

Por favor deixar a sua mensagem aqui no blog!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sugestão musical - Marli

Gostaria de vos dar a conhecer uma voz que é a grande sensação no mundo do gótico underground. Deixem-se mergulhar num profundo mar de emoções vibrantes e intensas com o single Bertulina, onde a intérprete nos faz viajar através da linha ténue que separa o amor do ódio, e onde a incerteza da vida se cruza de forma brilhante com o fascínio da morte. Tudo se resume a uma frase que nos fica a ecoar dentro dos nossos cérebros e dos nossos corações: "A noite é uma vaca preta"...

I would like to present a voice that is the biggest sensation in the world of gothic underground music. Let yourself dive into a deep sea of vibrant and intense emotions with the hit single Bertulina, where the singer makes us travel through the thin line between love and hate, and where the uncertainty of life crosses in a brilliant way with the fascination of death. Everything can be summarized in a sentence that will be retained within our brains and our hearts: "A noite é uma vaca preta" - Night is a black cow...

PS: Ganda, se encontrares alguma calinada na minha tradução dá aí um toque.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Team Mahida Meal Night Out

After returning from holidays, the Team Mahida "Gang" get together to a night out meal.
The meeting point was the Hog's Head for a "quicky" Pint (or coke)! But the meal it self was in "Las Tapas" a Spanish Tapas restaurant... Good Sangria but because we were 8 (i.e. a large group) we had to stick to the group menu which limited the dishes choice. Anyway it was a very pleasant meal.
In this pic (left to right) Kevin, Graham, Cat (Graham's girlfriend) and Shoua.

Olive oil??

On the other side of the table Becky and Katie (calm down katie the light is Gluten Free!!!)
After the meal, of course cocktails at Dogma. What's that pitchner Shoua??

Even Amy had a drink (Good for me!!)

Big glass Graham! Can you drink that on your own? Kevin looks like he wants a sip!!

No coments!!!

Always good making new friends (The guy on the left just asked some directions!! "Can you tell me the way to London??")

More pictures can be added soon as there was another digital camera at the dinner... Just keep checking!

P.S. Para a malta lusa, é como diz o Kevin: "o vosso inglês é melhor que o português deles"! Por isso e para facilitar a leitura está em inglês!